Tips on how to store makeup products to ensure that they last longer

Tips on how to store makeup products to ensure that they last longer

DMM Blog Team

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We all know how makeup is a girl’s best friend standing by her side always, giving her all the confidence she needs to look more presentable. Cutting corners and buying that one product that you have been dreaming of for years is truly a great accomplishment. We don’t really give attention to the correct way of storing makeup which is why bulk amounts of makeup is ruined without us even knowing. Our products tend to have a longer shelf life but when not stored properly they may degrade quickly due to exposure to sunlight,air,heat, moisture etc.

Following are some of the issues that we have highlighted.

  1. Dried out:  If any of your creme blushes,foundations or in general liquid based makeup is not closed properly after using they can dry out very easily. We observe how this is dependent on us saving money to buy expensive products and then getting to know that you have wasted them by your silly mistake. 

  2. Change in colour or texture: If you live in a country where the weather normally is very hot it is important to take excessive care of your products since there can be change in colour or the consistency can worsen by the air and light. 

  3. Growth of Bacteria: This is the most dangerous effect of a makeup not stored properly. Moisture can cause bacteria to grow mostly in liquid based cosmetics. 


Let us now discuss how to store cosmetics for a longer period of time.

  1. Wash your brushes 

Makeup brushes are the most used products. Whether we talk about foundation or highlighter bronzer tints the use of brush is an essential part when it comes to applying makeup. Therefore it is important to wash them every now and then. The application of different types of products on the brushes leaves the residue of that cosmetic which can cause clogged pores and other skin issues. Make sure to wash them twice in every week. Use your finger and exert less force  to ensure no residue of the makeup remains on the brush. Beauty blenders should be washed after every use says Dr. Bijlani since they are used for cream based products like foundation,concealer etc. 


  1. Be aware of bacteria

As discussed earlier we know how bacteria can grow rapidly in a product. We recommend sanitizing the brushes frequently to reduce the risk of bacterial growth. Use spirit to wet a cotton pad and gently pat on the bristles of the brush. A significant tip to consider when we talk about mascaras is to avoid pushing the mascara stick up and down. This leads to coming into contact with the air by which bacteria can grow. A better practice is to spin the brush before using it. 


  1. Avoid sharing makeup

We all have come across a famous phrase “sharing is caring” but when it comes to makeup. One should evade it. When your makeup comes in contact with someone else’s skin there’s a chance that their bacteria can transfer to your makeup which can ruin it. Additionally by applying the same makeup again you can suffer from allergies as well. 


  1. Store in a cool and dark place

All of us have come across this phrase written on our cosmetics,clothes, perfumes and what not! Well! This disclaimer isn’t for nothing. It is mandatory to store your makeup at a place where there is less exposure of sunlight. High temperatures and Ultraviolet rays can alter the formula of and it can also oxidize the cosmetic. It looks aesthetically pleasing to display your makeup on the dresser but you don’t want to waste all the money that you have invested in it. 


  1. Keep them out of the washroom

We have noticed a common practice that cosmetics are lying in the washroom. This often happens when everything is chaotic. We are rushing and so we leave our products in the washroom not ensuring that they are closed properly. Keeping makeup in the washroom can deteriorate it by the hot steams of the shower. Bacteria and mould can grow in the palettes sponges and brushes. 


  1. Usage of storage containers

The best practice when it comes to storing makeup is the use of storage containers. These containers have partitions. One can make different sections for face, lips and cheek additionally one may also keep the liquid based and the powdered products seperated.Make sure to check out different websites like amazon where you can find reasonable storage boxes. 

  1. Consider buying a beauty fridge

You’re really missing out if you haven’t used those chilled face masks, serums or creams on your skin. Try to buy a beauty fridge for your skincare products. This fridge prevents the active ingredients of your skincare products from oxidizing. Your products work even better giving a cooling effect when kept in this fridge.

In the end, the standard of the items simply cannot decide the duration your makeup collection stays; proper preservation and upkeep are also essential considerations. You can significantly improve the shelf life of your favorite cosmetics by incorporating a few simple tips and techniques into your normal daily routine.

In the beginning, it's essential that you maintain a dry, cold-storing environment in order to prevent the product's quality from degrading. The integrity of components in beauty products remains intact when the product is stored away from moisture and exposure to sunlight, ensuring the contents are secure and potent for use. Investing in options for organization such as boxes or transparent containers additionally assists you find makeup easily and avoids the necessity of digging through the mess to get what you need.


Another key component towards keeping your skin safe and avoiding the formation of microbes is to routinely disinfect your beauty products, brushes and containers. Furthermore, keeping a look out for deadlines for expiration as well as regularly evaluating the condition of your goods allows you to identify and get rid of anything that may have outlived their intended purpose.

Using these recommendations in your regular beauty schedule allows you to maintain a more hygienic and nicely organized cosmetic collection along with prolonging the lifespan of your makeup. One can improve the usefulness of your favourite cosmetics & the return on the money you spend on excellent makeup by taking a proactive approach to storing them.

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